Tuesday 29 September 2015

Let's Get Real: Feeling Lost

I was going to tell you all about the drugstore's greatest handcream (Garnier's Intense 7 Days Restoring Hand Cream for Dry & Chapped Hands just fyi) but I  have sat down to write today's post so many times and the words are just not coming. I have no idea what it is that I want to say. I think it's fair to say that there are some very important things in life that I'm short of, confidence and hair that doesn't make me look like Ronald McDonald for example, BUT words are not normally one of them. Lately though... I'm a bit lost. For words and just in life in general.

I finished uni about three weeks ago and I haven't got a clue what I to do. I don't even know what I want to do. And it's got to the point now where I've actually run out of diversionary tactics. Life is looming, large and terrifying, in front of me and I have no idea what to do with it. I just don't know. 

The thing is at this point there is no avoiding the question. It's everywhere I go. So, what do you want to do with your life? And the answer is I absolutely don't know. I just don't, I have no idea and that thought is TERRIFYING. It's so scary! 

In all honesty all I want to do is to get paid to go travelling and spend my time in my pyjamas, writing about make up,  surfing youtube, reading whatever I want, whenever I want and eating bad food, with occasional visits to the gym. That's what I want! That's all I want. 

We shall see.

So that's my quarter life crisis. If anyone else is experiencing something like this please let me know by commenting below, on twitter or by dropping me an email at lolarocknroses@gmail.com I really hate feeling like I'm going through this alone. 

Psst... also check out my instagram, facebook, bloglovin', snapchat - search lolarocknroses - & pinterest for updates

Love love love xxx

*Disclaimer:* I own none of the images featured, all images used for entertainment purposes only. Images Via, Via

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