Thursday 28 January 2016

FEARLESS: Introduction & The First Challenge

Way back in 2013 I started a blog called Fearless: A Year of Confidence. At the time, shockingly, I had really quite low self-confidence and the idea was to set myself daily challenges that would take me outside my comfort zone and slowly increase my confidence. It didn't work. It was a good idea but it didn't work, but only because, being incredibly naive at the time, I didn't realise how much work goes into a blogging and with my uni work, this blog and a way more active social life than I have now, it all fell by the wayside pretty quickly.

Last year I thought about revisiting the idea but decided that the timing wasn't right and it would be more suited for this time of year. So here it is, finally, 3 years after I had the original idea, it's had some tweaks but I am very happy to introduce FEARLESS! Essentially it is the same, I will be challenging myself to try new things, get outside of my comfort zone and work on my confidence - it's still not great - except they will be bi-monthly challenges, not daily, and I will be sticking to it this time.

Challenge #1: Go to the Gym alone & book a Personal Training session

Last time I went to the gym I let myself get really intimidated, I freaked out after about half an hour and left because I felt so uncomfortable and self-concious. I haven't been back since. I want to go back because I do want to get in shape and get fit but also because I don't want to be intimidated by it. It's ridiculous, I need to prove to myself that it's just a gym and it's okay that other people use it. Get over it. To make things a little bit harder on myself I want to book a Personal Training session. I haven't booked one before because honestly I was way too self-conscious but I have no idea what I'm doing and I need help. It's all well & good me being able to go to the gym but it's pointless if I haven't got a clue what to do. So that is my first challenge. Wish me luck!

I'll keep you posted.

Let me know what you think by commenting below, on twitter, or dropping me an email at Also check out my instagram, facebook, bloglovin', snapchat -search lolarocknroses - & pinterest for regular updates.

Love love love xxx

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